Sunday, July 8, 2012

Training Log

 My training log to get ready for the hike.  It is built around the 4 Hour Body  concepts of training for endurance races and mixed with Cross fit and P90X/Insanity.  I will update this on a regular basis.  I am sure it will be boring to read.  But it will give an idea how how much or how little I prepared for my 22 mile hike up to 14, 505 feet.  When ever possible I will record my workout with my GPS that monitors heart rate, distance, time and elevation changes.

Boot Camp:

April 8, 2012:  13.2 miles on my Mt Bike, 3,000 feet of elevation change, Max HR 170, time 3 hours on the trail,  1,800 calories burned

April 11. 2012:  2 mile run, Speed training on my Spinning bike (interval training, of the 45 min 20 min spent in zone 4 to 5 at 95% max heart rate 160)   Week one push up training form Men's Fitness (100 push ups at one time in 6 weeks)  total 70 push ups.

April 14, 2012:  2 mile run,Speed training on my Spinning bike (interval training, of the 45 min 20 min spent in zone 4 to 5 at 95% max heart rate 160)   Week one push up training form Men's Fitness (100 push ups at one time in 6 weeks)  total 70 push ups.

April 15, 2012: 2 mile run,  Speed training on my Spinning bike (interval training, of the 45 min 20 min spent in zone 4 to 5 at 95% max heart rate 160)   Week one push up training form Men's Fitness (100 push ups at one time in 6 weeks)  total 70 push ups.

April 17, 2012:  Mt Bike ride:  4.2 miles, 2,000 feet elevation change, Max HR 168, 1 hour  on the trail (Clarks time trial) 500 calories burned.

April 21,  2012:   2.5 mile run,  25 min.

April 26, 2012:  2.5 miles run, 25 min

April 27, 2012, Insanity,Cardio Power, 45 min.

April 29, 2012, Mt Bike, Fire Road, Ghost falls and Gas line trail,  9 miles, 3,000 feet elevation change,  Max HR 168, 1 hour and 30 min.  Calories Burned 830.

April 30, 2012,  Mt Bike ride Clarks Time Trial with Guy, 5 miles, 3,000 feet elevation change, Max heart rate 161, (22min to the top of Clarks 4 min shorter than my best this year and 4 min longer than my PB), total time 50 min, Calories burned 500.

May 2, 2012:  2.5 mile run

May 4, 2012:  Men's Fitness Push Up work out, Stair Stepper work out (Jane Fonda style)  with 25# weights in each hand.

May 5, 2012:  4+ miles with >3,000 covered vertical feet, White pine/Red Pine Hike with Chris.

May 6, 2012:  Mt Bike ride, Clarks time trial with my son Scott,  he set a new PB (his first time up the trail) up Clarks at just under 13 min,  I came close to my PB at 19 min.  We covered 8.21 miles in under 1:20 minutes, 3,200 ft of elevation change, 880 cal. burned, max HR 162, Max speed 24 MPH and average HR of 135 bpm. 

May 7, 2012:  Hike up Mt Olympus, 3.5 miles, 3,000 vertical feet in elevation change, time  1:35 on the trail, calories burned 700.

May 10, 2012:  Insanity upper body weight training,  50 min.

May 11, 2012:  Mt Bike Corner Canyon,  Clark's Time Trial,  00:18:50, 10 seconds off my PB.  But did set a PB for the loop at 1:09:20.   7.93 miles,  3082 feet in total vertical, max HR 163,  Average pace 8.3 MPH, Max speed 22 MPH, total calories burned 811.

May 14, 2012:  Mt Bike ride, Corner Canyon, Anne's trail, Clark's Time Trial new PB 00:17:45, 8.17 miles, total time 1:34, total elevation 3,000+ vertical feet.  Calories burned 793,  Max heart rate 164, Max speed 24 MPH.

May 16, 2012:   Power weight training, upper body, chest, back and arms, 60 min.

May 17, 2012:  Sprint training on Spinning Bike,  5 minute warm up the 3 full on at 100%, followed by 2 minute recovery, (3 on full, 2 recovery) for 30 minutes.

May 20, 2012:  Hiked the Great Western Trail, 4.5 miles, 2,000 calories 3,000 ft total elevation change, 45# pack.

May 21, 2012:  Mt Bike with Jaren, New PB up Clark's 17 minutes and 30 seconds (Jaren 11 minutes and 4 seconds up the trail.), a sprint up the fire road to set a new Max heart rate at 173 and sustained for over 2 minutes, total elevation changed 3,600 vertical feet,  total time 1:21, total calories burned 900,47 minutes spent in zone 4 or higher!  Thanks Jaren for the push!

May 24, 2012:  Mt Bike the Race for the Corner Canyon spring race,  11 miles in 1 hour 42 minutes, total vertical feet 3,600 ft, 981 calories burned, average pace 9.1minutes per mile.

May 26,2012:  Mt Bike ride today! 26.1 miles in 3 hours 37 minutes, 2,300 calories burned, 8,200 vertical feet at a average pace of 9.1 minutes/mile! Awesome! Oh ya, it started snowing at the top so we had to turn back early. :(  The first 10 miles all climbing.  No rest. Straight up from 5,400 ft to just shy of 9,000 feet!

May 28,2012:   Red Pine Hike 7.57 miles, 7,400 vertical feet, 2,178 calories burned, max speed 8 miles/hour and it took us just over 3 1/2 hours to complete the hike.

May 30, 2012:  1 hour Upper body and back weight training.

May 31, 2012:  Mt Bike Clarks Time Trial New PB at 16 minutes and 55 seconds, followed by a ride total of 8 miles, 1 hour and 10 minutes, 3,000 total vertical feet of elevation change, 792 calories burned.

June 3, 2012:  Bells Canyon; 4.91 miles, 4,520 vertical feet in 3.0 hours and burned 1,535 calories.

June 4, 2012:  Mt bike ride with Ryan,  8.1 miles, 1hour 33 minutes, total elevation 3,000 total vertical feet, 800 calories.  Max heart rate 176.

June 9, 20112:  Mt Bike with Jason H.  11.3 miles, 1 hour 53 minutes, 1,162 calories burned, 4,100 total vertical feet.

June 10, 2012:  White Pine Hike;  8.5 miles in 3 hours and 50 minutes, 6,700 total vertical feet,  1,790 calories burned.

June 11, 2012:  Mt bike with Guy,  5 miles, 41 minutes, 500 calories.

June14, 2012:  Mt Bike ride, 13.25 miles, 2 hours 11 minutes, total calories 1,418, total elevation change 5,300 vertical feet.

June 16, 2012: Beach run Cannon Beach 3.2 miles, 282 calories.

June 18, 2012:  Beach run, Cannon Beach 2.1 miles,  328 calories.

June 23,24,25:  King Peak Hike
Total elevation change 12,000 feet over 3days, hiked 28 miles and burned 15,000+ calories.  I lost 3 1/2 lbs.  Adaptation changes:  First night my pulse was 113 resting and oxygen saturation after the hike 86%.  At Dollar Lake Heart rate at rest 90 and oxygen saturation 91%.  During the summit hike at 11,911ft heart rate was 90 and oxygen saturation 85%, at the top of Kings Peak, heart rate 88 and oxygen saturation 93%.

July 1, 2012: Mt Bike ride Up Clarks, across Brocks, down Ghost, down gas line to BSLT, up fire road back across Brocks, down rush to Jeep, 11 miles, total elevation change 4,000 feet, 1,073 calories in 1 hour 35 minutes.

July 5, 2012:  Sprint training on spin bike,  5minute warm up, 5 minutes full 100% zone 4 to 5, 3 minute rest, 5 minute on.  45 minutes.

July 7, 2012:  Mt bike ride 15 miles 1: 40 minutes, 4,000ft total elevation change, 1,500 calories burned.  Max heart 178!  (back side of Jackob's ladder no hike a bike, made all climbs).

July 8, 2012:  Bells Canyon; 4.91 miles, 4,520 vertical feet in 3.0 hours and burned 1,535 calories.

July 11, 2012:  Sprint Spin work out plus upper body weight training,

July 14, 2012:  Sprint Spin work out (5 minute warm up, 20 minutes full on 100% out of saddle zone 4 to 5 sprint, 5 minute cool down).

July 15, 2012:  25 minute upper body weight training. 40 minutes of Sprint spinning (3 minute warm up,  followed by 8 to 10 minute sprint intervals and 3 minute recovery and a 3)

July 16, 2012:  Push up work out with upper body and spinning base training, 45 min.

July 22, Mt bike ride 3,600 total elevation change, 1 hour 11 minutes, 870 calories.

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