Monday, July 16, 2012



Personal Echos

We all send vibrational energy out into the world. What most of us forget is that what ever we send out into the universe will echo back at us. It could return very quickly or take its own sweet time. If you want good things to come into your life you must be sending out good vibrational energy.

This starts with good thoughts. The thoughts of today become your reality of tomorrow. Once you start to understand this principle you start to monitor your thinking patterns. You become very careful about what you think about.

Thoughts lead to action, action lead to results. What I have learned is if I want specific results, I must start with that specific thought. Keeping my thoughts on what I want to echo back at me allows the universe to echo back at me what I want. The scary thing is the universe will echo the bad back at me as well. If my thoughts are on all the bad and anxiety provoking. Anxiety and stress and a lot of negative energy is what will echo back at me.

What you think about is what you shall be! The key here is what I THINK about and NOT what I want is the action that will be set into motion. The universe could care less about what I want. Thoughts not wants is what shows up!

Keep up the positive! I know if I keep my thoughts on the good and the wonderful, the good and the wonderful is what eventually will show up on time in perfect Harmony with my life!

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