Saturday, October 7, 2017

20 Rules For Success

"What you do in Privet is what  You Will be rewarded for in public"  Lard Hamilton Big Wave Surfer

I have spent a lot of time studying people I find inspiring. My mentors if you will.   People I look up to.  I wanted to know what makes them tic, how they become who they are and how they over come adversity.  Here are the common threads I have discovered.

1.  Have a desire to win!  Win!  Not at all cost. But WIN!   Be a winner.  That sometimes means you have to learn to loose and understand why.   How you were not prepared.  Or maybe the other person or  team was just better. You still come away a better person for the experience.   This  will lead to becoming a winner. 

2. Think Big!  Always go for the highest goal  and the best out comes!  Always challenge yourself to be the best and go after the  dream!  It is better to fall short and learn from it than to go for the easy low fruit!

3. Find Joy!  Always look for the joy in what your are doing.  Make it fun and exciting.  Be happy in what you are doing.  Even in the mundane.

4. Be competitive!  Do not be an Ass.  Be someone else's challenge in a positive way.  This makes them better and you as well!  Never give up!  Never give in! Be a good winner!  

5.  Find Inspiration in what you are doing.  The pure pleasure of just doing/sharing!  Make it inspiring.

6. Structure things your way.  Make what ever you are doing yours!

7.  Find Excitement in what you are doing. Bring excitement!  This will motivate you and those around you!

8.  Work with LIKE minded people.  Surround your self with the best!  You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with.  Make sure you share similar values and do not be intimidated if they are  better, stronger, richer and smarter than you.  They have talents you do not.  Remember you have something to offer that they do not have. You complement each other.  

9. Get better.  Always striving for improvement!  A desire to be better each day than you were the day before.  Always looking for ways to be learn, think smarter work better,  simplify.  When you are getting better at something it is a lot more fun!

10. Care Deeply!  Give of yourself.  Unselfishness of time money and self.

11.  Make life interesting.  Keeping your interest and the interest of people, keeps the spirit of energy,  the momentum going.

12.  Make life Entertaining. Entertainment brings interest.  A desire to be a part of something good!  People find value in things that keep their interest.  It brings like minded people together. It brings a level of fun as well. Bring  Joy!  Bring Fun!  Share your talents.  Sing when its time to sing! Dance when its time to dance!  Laugh when its time to laugh!  Bring comfort to those in pain or suffering.

13. Be  Genuine.   To live by your core values.  People know who you are and what you stand for.  Being honest.  Be kind.  Have accountability to your self and others.  People can count on  you.  You are consistent in your values.  You learn form mistakes.  Make changes to correct mistakes and work to be better each day.  Better than the day before. You do not talk down on those not present. You look to build up those around you.  Build confidences.  Build trust. Owning  life  mistakes and facing  fears.  Doing what is right.  Go for "Win Win or No Deal" to quote Steven Covey.

14. Be in Balance.  Mind body and spirit.  Be whole.  Be healthy!

15.  Have FUN! Just Have FUN!  

16.  Do not Judge.  It is not your job or your place.  If you feel there is need for judgment,  leave that to GOD.  Out side of legal matters, No no one person or institution  has the power or authority to sit in judgment of anther.  "Quick to judge, leads to anger.....slow to understand"  to quote Geddy Lee, Neil Peart Alex Lifeson.

17.  Live your life today like it is your last.  Approach today in Awe as though it is your first!

18. Be a good listener.  You have one mouth and two ears for a reason.

19.  Live the Seattle Sea Hawks Rules:  show up on time, always have your team mates back, own your mistakes and follow the unwritten rule of unconditional love for your mates!

20.  Be Kind!

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