Thursday, June 28, 2012

I Belive In Me!

"I Belive In me"

A few days ago I was on the spinning bike working up to start Insanity (a new conditioning program) again when out of the the IPOD came a an old KISS tune "I". It was on  the album "The Elder". The chorus is "I believe in me!". It got me thinking; do I believe in me? If so, what are a few times in my life that I really had to dig deep and search my sole to really believe in me?

The first thing that come to mind was my sophomore year in high school. I wanted to play football. My dreams of being a  running back took a major set back after hitting drills during "Hell Week". We were doing this drill that required me to carry the ball and a line backer had to run up and make a hit and try to tackle me. I ran this kid over and kept on going until the coach started to yell at me to come back. As I returned to the group this kid was not getting up. I over heard the coaches talking that was one of the hardest hit yet at camp. The coach after attending to the young man approached me to informed me that I would not be running the ball this year but playing right guard. RIGHT GUARD! Did he not just see that hit?! At 130 pounds dripping wet how was I ever going to hold my own on the the line with the big boys. The coach gave me his word if I did this for him this year, next year I could move to the back field.

I gave it everything I had. I became the best right gard I could. Learning the plays and how to block. The next off season I worked hard hitting the weights gaining 30 pounds. By my senior year I had earned a starting position in the rotation as full back (because I knew how block as good as I could run the ball), I was starting middle line backer and one of three team captions! Yes, I believed in me!

During my days at Dixie College I was a good student with the exception of my first quarter. That first quarter pulled my GPA down. Despite doing very well otherwise, when I hit the University of Utah and told the councilor I was going to medical school she had a true detrol ( a drug used to treat urinary incontance) moment! She nearly wet her pants laughing so hard. You?! Get into medical school you have a Good GPA but that first quarter you did less than poor! I pointed I had a very competitive marks otherwise.

So I went to work! Pulling A's throughout my premed work and psychology degree at the U of U. Not only did I get in to medical school but went on to graduate from medical school in the top 5% of my class! Yes I believe in me!
Now my hike up Mt Whitney.  I need to over come my fears of high places and get into the best shape of my life to hike 22 miles to an elevetion over 14,000 + ft and a 50# pack on my back! Yes, I belive in me!  But so do a lot of other great people.  Without them what is the point.  It is the relationships in your life that make all worth while!

There will be times in all our lives when the only person pulling for you is your self. Never ever give in! Never ever give UP! Most importantly, keep showing up and give 100% to everything you do. Keep a positive mental picture in the direction you want to go and DO NOT stop believing in yourself! I believe in me and I believe in you! The human spirit with God's help can overcome and achieve anything!

In April 2012 I  embarked on this project to make my self better, stronger and and to persue what my mentor Wayne Dyer says "I do not want to be better than anyone else, I just want to be better today than I was yeasterday".  It is a work in progress!  So far I have lost 15 lbs and spending more time with family and building stronger and better relationships/friendships.  Yes I still slip but just I keep trying!

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