Sunday, May 6, 2012

So Why Mt Bike To Train For A Hike?
So why should you add Mt Biking into the training mix for a long high hike?  For me it is very simple,  the biggest reasons to bike are the same reasons why I am going on the hike.  The physiological gains are simply a bonus!  I ride to spend time with two of my very best friends.  My brothers from another mother, Jaren and Guy.  As scary as it sounds we think very much alike and we get it.  What ever It may happen to be.  I also ride to be with my two sons, Scott and Chris.  Two of the strongest young men I have ever spent time with.  They make me  strive  to better person and father.  The time I can spend with them is price less.
The physiological gains from Mt Biking are many.  Mt Biking is for the most part a full on sprint.  Total anaerobic.  Pushing your heart and respiratory function to its max.  This like a hiker at altitude, the physiology's  are very similar.  As the oxygen gets less and less at altitude you body has to compensate by increasing heart rate and breathing speeds up to compensate just like on the Mt Bike.  The difference being in the fact that hiking at high altitude your body goes into metabolic alkalosis.  Placing demands on your kidneys to compensate.  Given the fact that my training rides will be at altitude this should place some loads on my renal function to prep for higher elevations.  Mt Biking also builds the "shock absorbers" .  My legs.  I am going to place a  large strain on my legs going up the mountain and much more strain coming down.  I will need very strong legs to get me up and down the mountain safely.

There is also a physiologic "good" pain that comes from Mt Biking.  Climbing a steep grade builds the mental toughness I will need when it comes to the  heavy loads of my back pack for miles up a steep grade. 

Mt biking also allows me to train in the very same element that I will be hiking in.  The awareness on hydration and nutritional demands on my body will be almost the same not to mention the environmental conditions and exposure will be the same. 

Last but not least,  Mt Biking is pure Adrenalin RUSH!  Going down a trail a 30 MPH after having put all your effort into getting to the top, nothing like it!  It is fun!  It makes me stronger and more motivated to exercise and I get to spend time with people I care about!    It is a BLAST! 

The photos here are from the Corner Canyon trail in Draper.  We like to start at the temple and ride up the Clark's time trial.  Which is 1.4+ mile sprint up about 1,200+ vertical feet in elevation climb.  Then head to Brock's trail to the fire road, down to ghost falls and back up to the top of the Rush trial via Canyon Hollow trail.  Some days well will either go up Jacobs ladder or around the back back way and come down it.  No matter which way its all a great time and awesome workout!  You should come ride with us!

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