Friday, October 27, 2017

Right Here! Right Now!

So, have you ever asked your self the question  "how do People change?:  The Tim Farris Pod Cast is one of my go to pod cast that I listened to going to work each day.  He recently had a Navy SEAL take his place while he's been on vacation.  He was addressing topics like what brings on change? How to  be successful in creating positive change?  What he took away from his  training in buds was you change Right here!  You change Right now

You just do not sit around and wait for  change.  You  don't say I'll do that tomorrow.  The intention is always good.  But almost always lacks follow-through.  If preparatory efforts are not made with an organizational plan set in place, it almost always leads to disorganization, failure and resulting back into more comfortable bad habits.  It must occur instantly in the moment right here right now! Objectives must be clear, concise and must be achievable.

The next step is to get organized.  If you want to change that habit say  Exercising more regularly. You  must plan for that activity.  You design the workout plan for the next morning the night before. Write it down. Then you get organized by setting your  clothes out that you will work out in the night before.  Then go to bed early.  The design  is to make sure that all the pitfalls and distractions are taken away by the pre-workout planning and preparatory efforts the night before.  Once the efforts have been made, make the commitment to getting up when the alarm goes off. Snooze button is not an option.

It may look something like this:  You review the next days obligations and commitments.  You see it is a cardio and flexibility day.  You set out your cardio and Yoga work out clothes.  You pack you work bag.  Maybe even go as far as to put it in your car.  If you like coffee in the morning, get the pot all ready set the timer.  Get ready and get to bed early.  Alarm goes off at 4:30, you get up have you  coffee and get your workout done.  Shower shave pimp and primp  getting dressed  for the day.  You are now ahead of your competition!  They are not even up and at it yet!  Have a healthy breakfast.  Why would you eat something bad after working out so hard and making the effort to be ready to do so.  You set out feeling great endorphins flowing!  More focused! Less likely to fall pray to bad habits and distractions!

The key to going to bed early is being tired early.  I work hard all day long so that at  bedtime I am tired making going to bed early easier which leads to getting up early easier.  This leads into the habit of getting up early.

This works for all aspects of the life.  By breaking things down into simplified little pieces. Excellent planning to be highly efficient gives organizational control.  It sets  up success. By planning the day it makes it easy to live the day.  In SCUBA diving we say  plan your dive, dive your plan.  This is a really good metaphor how to live your life.  It leads to focus.  You have a plan.  You're able to move away from pitfalls staying on task.

The keys are  recognizing a need for positive change, planing/organization and  discipline leading to action!   Just say:  I change right here!  Right now! 

Plan-Organized-DO and Review.

Just do it!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

20 Rules For Success

"What you do in Privet is what  You Will be rewarded for in public"  Lard Hamilton Big Wave Surfer

I have spent a lot of time studying people I find inspiring. My mentors if you will.   People I look up to.  I wanted to know what makes them tic, how they become who they are and how they over come adversity.  Here are the common threads I have discovered.

1.  Have a desire to win!  Win!  Not at all cost. But WIN!   Be a winner.  That sometimes means you have to learn to loose and understand why.   How you were not prepared.  Or maybe the other person or  team was just better. You still come away a better person for the experience.   This  will lead to becoming a winner. 

2. Think Big!  Always go for the highest goal  and the best out comes!  Always challenge yourself to be the best and go after the  dream!  It is better to fall short and learn from it than to go for the easy low fruit!

3. Find Joy!  Always look for the joy in what your are doing.  Make it fun and exciting.  Be happy in what you are doing.  Even in the mundane.

4. Be competitive!  Do not be an Ass.  Be someone else's challenge in a positive way.  This makes them better and you as well!  Never give up!  Never give in! Be a good winner!  

5.  Find Inspiration in what you are doing.  The pure pleasure of just doing/sharing!  Make it inspiring.

6. Structure things your way.  Make what ever you are doing yours!

7.  Find Excitement in what you are doing. Bring excitement!  This will motivate you and those around you!

8.  Work with LIKE minded people.  Surround your self with the best!  You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with.  Make sure you share similar values and do not be intimidated if they are  better, stronger, richer and smarter than you.  They have talents you do not.  Remember you have something to offer that they do not have. You complement each other.  

9. Get better.  Always striving for improvement!  A desire to be better each day than you were the day before.  Always looking for ways to be learn, think smarter work better,  simplify.  When you are getting better at something it is a lot more fun!

10. Care Deeply!  Give of yourself.  Unselfishness of time money and self.

11.  Make life interesting.  Keeping your interest and the interest of people, keeps the spirit of energy,  the momentum going.

12.  Make life Entertaining. Entertainment brings interest.  A desire to be a part of something good!  People find value in things that keep their interest.  It brings like minded people together. It brings a level of fun as well. Bring  Joy!  Bring Fun!  Share your talents.  Sing when its time to sing! Dance when its time to dance!  Laugh when its time to laugh!  Bring comfort to those in pain or suffering.

13. Be  Genuine.   To live by your core values.  People know who you are and what you stand for.  Being honest.  Be kind.  Have accountability to your self and others.  People can count on  you.  You are consistent in your values.  You learn form mistakes.  Make changes to correct mistakes and work to be better each day.  Better than the day before. You do not talk down on those not present. You look to build up those around you.  Build confidences.  Build trust. Owning  life  mistakes and facing  fears.  Doing what is right.  Go for "Win Win or No Deal" to quote Steven Covey.

14. Be in Balance.  Mind body and spirit.  Be whole.  Be healthy!

15.  Have FUN! Just Have FUN!  

16.  Do not Judge.  It is not your job or your place.  If you feel there is need for judgment,  leave that to GOD.  Out side of legal matters, No no one person or institution  has the power or authority to sit in judgment of anther.  "Quick to judge, leads to anger.....slow to understand"  to quote Geddy Lee, Neil Peart Alex Lifeson.

17.  Live your life today like it is your last.  Approach today in Awe as though it is your first!

18. Be a good listener.  You have one mouth and two ears for a reason.

19.  Live the Seattle Sea Hawks Rules:  show up on time, always have your team mates back, own your mistakes and follow the unwritten rule of unconditional love for your mates!

20.  Be Kind!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Be's

I have been over the past year or so working on a personal mission statement.  A very short statement to set the corner stone to build the rest of my life.  

I have my Rules of success and I also put together the To Be list to help support the mission statement and Rules of success.  Here is the Be list.

1. Be Bold
Being bold to me means to be willing to take risks.  Be willing to be vulnerable, exposed while at the same time being brave and strong.  Stand for something.  Go for it!  Turn Left in a Right turning tribe. A willingness to be different.  When I fail I get  right back up and learn from my mistakes. Over coming or facing fear and or anxiety.  A mental attitude of  Fear(less) or fearing  less is being Bold.

2. Be Charming 
To Be Charming is to be first and for most, Sincere.  Being Charming is the ability to listen.   Make others feel comfortable, safe, liked and or loved.   Being a Charming person I work to  alleviate ones fears and anxiety. I  bring a level of comfort.  Work  to be delightful and agreeable.  Reflect Joy and  warmth.  SMILE!   Polished in speech as well as appearance.  Reflection of positive energy.  A motivator and example for good. Use both verbal and non verbal language to communicate kindness, love  and acceptance of others.  I work to build others up.  Charming is being Real and Genuine to others.

3. Be Sharp
To Be Sharp is an ability to correctly assess and take in information through observation, listening, asking questions and applying past and current knowledge to arrive at  correct solution or assessment of an issue or problem.  Then propose and put into place corrective action to move in  positive direction.  The ability to be unattached to preconceived out comes.  An ability to recognize a negative action or wrong direction and take corrective action for change or to stay the course when it is RIGHT despite the fact the course may be unpopular or others are not in agreement.  Having  a knowing what is right. Constantly re evaluating the situation and make corrective action.  It can be intuitive and or instinctive as well.

4. Be Passionate
The sense of joy and excitement you have when you are doing what you love!  What ever you find your self doing be passionate about it.  You do not always have to do what you are passionate about.  You may not be good at your true passions.   Be the best and passionate about the task at hand!

5. Be Generous
The willingness to share of your time, money and material things.

6. Be Silly
The willingness to show venerability.  To not be afraid of what others may say or think. 

7. Be Amazing/Inspiring
Have positive energy!  Give support to others!  Do things to help others be better.  Set the bar high.  Go after your dreams and help others achieve theirs.  Achieve your goals!  Be the best you can be!  Be a good example!  Be a good friend!

8. Be Happy
To smile!  To bring joy!  To make others around you feel safe.  To extrude love and warmth into the world!

9. Be Kind
To listen.  To love.  To be supportive.  To show up! Let go of the need to be right.  Show compassion.

10. Be Healthy
This is the corner stone life.  Eat fresh and whole food.  Exercise regularly for cardio, strength and flexibility.  Get enough sleep.  Continue to learn and be mentally sharp.  To take time to be spiritual and build  spiritual strength.  To be in tuned with mind body and spirit.

11. Be Sexy
The mind set of physical appearance a presence if you will. Dress nice.  Smell nice.  Talk nice.   Act nice.  Be warm and kind. Be unpredictable.  Be spontaneous!  Show up unexpected! That could be anywhere, any time.  Make it simple!  Be creative!   Give small gifts.  Do nice and unexpected things.  Every now and then do something unexpected and fun!  Plan a get away.  Flirt!  Have fun!   Smile! Listen. Go out of your way to serve the one you love.  Talk nice about your love to others.  Be a turn on to your lover. Make it a daily practice working on you physical appearance.  Exercising  and eating right.  As we age we can still maintain a healthy body.  Do not let your self go. Keep your body sex as well as your mind!   If you have not done so and let your self go,  well then, change your habits.  Start exercising every day.  Do cardo strength and flexibility training.  Eat better.  Daily grooming.  Shave primp and prep.  Look your best.   Talk sexy to your lover.  Send out signals that that person is your lover and a turn on.   Communicate verbal and physically you are excited to to be and share physical as well as  mental spiritual closeness that comes with long term intimacy and commitment.

12. Be Joy
Show up!  Be happy! Look for solutions.  Accept failure as a chance to do and be better.  Do not take away from others achievements!

13. Be Love
The emotional energy that allows forgiveness.  Over looks faults.  It is the strongest and most motivating of all emotions. To give your physical and emotional energy without condition or expectation.

14. Be Quiet
Stop.  Live the moment frame by frame.  Be in tune with your emotions.  Do not respond.  Take deep breaths and breath.  Listen to your sole.  Close your eyes.   Be in tune to your surroundings.  Most importantly Slow life down.  Enjoy the moment and  breath.  No negative emotions. Just take it in!

15. Be Piece
Bring to any situation a since of calm.  Warmth.  Self confidence.  The ability to change negative emotions to positive ones.  To change the internal as well as the external environment to positive flow of energy and calmness.   Be a spiritual force.

16. Be In tune with your inner music/Spirit
What is it I am here to do! To Be? To achieve?  Am I living true to my inner sole and expectations? Am I living the life I want?  Or am I living the life expected of me defined by others? Do not die with your music still in you!  Live your love of life defined by you!  Not defined by others!

17. Be Present in the Moment
Listen to those you are with.    Put down you electronic device.  Look people in the eye when communicating.  Repeat back what others are saying.  Show interest in others. Learn their joys interests and fears.  Close down your monkey mind.

18. Be the Hero not the Zero
We all know the zeros the dementors the nay Sayers.  Those that pull us down.  Always have the negative sky is falling attitude.  To be the Hero one must be the light of day! The positive solution. The one to be unattached! The one with a knowing all will  work out.  The hero is supportive to others.  Gives a supportive hand.  Makes the comment of support.  I am here for you!  I got your back!  Another one of the Seattle Sea Hawks rules of success!  Have your team mates back no matter what!  Bring a since of calm not chaos. Be the solution to the problem not the fuel to make things worse.  Be unselfish.  Be Superman/Wounder Woman!  We will get through this! Send thank you notes to someone recognizing the positive impact they had on you.  Calling a friend in need.  Doing something nice anonymously.  Show up and lend assistance when it is needed with out being asked.  Being in tune with those around you.  Be ready to help at any time.  Take the time!  Give the time!

19. Be Brave
When the going gets tough Smile!  Know it may be tough or painful.  But it will get better!  Be strong!  Face your Fears!  Live Fear(less).  Or to fear less.  Stand up for what you feel is right.  Have faith.  Have an internal Knowing you are not alone.  Ask yourself  if I were to worry would it help?  Most likely the answer is no.  All of the worry or anxiety in the world will not help!  Then Be Brave!

20. Be Willing
Be willing to say yes.  Be willing to say no.  Be clear!  But be willing!  The questions are:   Are you in?  Or Just interested? Or not interested at all?  Bottom line if you say yes, you are saying you are in and willing!  Be willing to help! Be willing to stand by your friends, family and team mates!  Be willing to give of your time and money!  Be willing to show up and be present when you agree to do so.

21. Be on Time
Sounds simple RIGHT? This is one of the rules for success for the Seattle Sea Hawks. Everyone  must show up on time to work, meetings, work outs or appointments.  Why?  It shows respect to the other person for their time.  Time is the most valuable commodity.  It is non renewable resource. It is limited. So be on time.  Timing or be on time can also have other meanings.  Like in football, the timing of  route by  receiver.  Timing in relationships.  Showing up in another persons life at the right time. Saying the right thing or wrong thing at the right time.  When the student is ready the teacher will appear.  Be on time has all types of meanings and consequence's.  This is a hard one.   Timing and being on time takes practice self discipline and self control and respect for yourself and others.

22. Be Competitive
The desire to be better.  Be better today that yesterday.  This is more with yourself than someone else.  This competitive energy keeps you young and fun! It keeps life interesting.  Be unattached to the out come.  Be more in tuned with the experience!  Learn from it!  Get better because you competed!  But get out there and do it!  Winning is the icing!  But remember it only lasts for a very short time and you must move on!  Keep moving Forward as Lance Armstrong says!

23. Be of Excellence and Quality
I do not need a lot of Things.  What I seek out is quality of things. I have  bought something on sale or of lessor quality to save money.  Only to find themselves spending more money and time in repairs of the junk and eventually buying  the higher quality item any way.  Because in the long term you would have saved money and more important time buy spending a little more on a quality piece.   When I was in  High School I owned two pair of Levis 501.  I could have had several pairs of K Mart brand but I wanted the pair that fit.  Made me feel good and look good.  I am  coffee snob.  Why drink bad coffee.  I use filtered water and love a good french press.  Why?  The flavor is smooth when done right.  Same with craft beer, nice functional clothes and the car I drive.  It fits my life style. I surround myself with like minded people. People I feel are of good charter and quality.  People that bring me up make me a better person.  I seek out excellence in music food books friends professional colleagues and experiences.  Life is to short not to surround yourself with the best.  If I can not afford it I go with what I can like two pairs of jeans.  Not bulk of the cheep. Or I go with out and save so I can experience it.  I learn how to do things myself.  Enjoy what you have. It may not be a lot, but what I  do have,  I make sure it is the best. 

24. Be Entertaining
Bring Joy!  Bring Fun!  Share your talents.  Sing when its time to sing! Dance when its time to dance!  Laugh when its time to laugh!  Bring comfort to those in pain or suffering.

25. Be in Balance
To be in balance or have balance is to be able to recognize when you are spending too much time or energy on one aspect of life and work to bring back other just as important aspects.  Like If you are training for an Iron man.  You may forget the Spiritual aspect of like or the mental because the focus ha been on physical.  Keep in mind it takes focus on all three to strong and healthy.  Take time to focus on the spiritual mental and physical aspect of life. It can be as an over all average at the end of the month equal time has been spent on each.  It may not happen equally each day. You may get 1 out of three or two out of three each day but it is an over all cumulative  experience at the end of the month.

26. Be Interesting
To be Interesting you must be interested.  When you meet someone new ask questions about their interests what makes them tick.  Or if you are going to meet someone new and you are able to get recon on what they like or interests are, go lean about them.  Study them so you can talk intelligently about what they like.  My Chairman when I was a resident would get the CV of a person he was about to meet.  Lean about one or two of their hobbies Google it and be ready to talk about what is important to that person.  Also to be interesting it is good to be well rounded.  Well studied in the arts and science and have an open mind.  To be  good communicator. To be open to new experiences.
27. Be Respectful
Others may not agree with you.  Treat them as though you would expect to be treated.  Listen.  Be calm. Learn from them.  Do not degrade or make them fell less than you because of their views.

28. Be Unattached
To be unattached is very difficult.  Attachment can be debilitating.  Even anxiety provoking to the point one can not function out of fear.  Leading to incorrect choices or even acting in negative and even in self deprecating ways.    Be unattached to out comes allows freedom for change.  To grow!  To admit when you are wrong.  In  what seems to be a frequent reality is   what was expected was actually not as good as what came about with ones ability to let got and "Let God". Go with the flow. Change direction.  Being unattached is pure freedom.  If you love something set it free if comes back it were meant to be! Have the attitude all will work out.  It might be painful or challenging.  A tough go if you will.  But the attitude it will all work out and I will be OK.  Let go of perceived out comes is very healthy.  It is a mature and disciplined position while at the same with practice becomes a place of ease and not disease. What I have leaned is that my perception of the out come is not even close to a far better out come when I let go of the attachments!  It actually turned out better because I was will to go with the flow make changes and allow others to influence and play an active part!  Open to change can be a good thing.  This requires unattachment.

29. Be Alive
 Live life!  Enjoy it! Take every opportunity to experience life!  Get out of your comfort zone! If you screw up Own it!    The third rule of success for the Seattle Sea Hawks for success!  You make a mistake own it!  Make changes to do better and be better!  But live and be alive!  It may hurt but at least you know know your are still in the game!

30. Be Honest
Tell the truth. Be honest with your dealings. Have integrity.  So many people today including institutions (Church/Religion is the worst followed by  Government/Politicians, and Companies) are dishonest in their dealings with us.  If we are going to change our environment or country or our world if you will,  we must change from with in.  Hold our own feet to the fire.  Be able to look in the mirror and the person looking has values.  Tell the truth.  Be honest.  When you are wrong or make a mistake OWN IT!  Say to your self I was wrong.  Do what you need to do to make it right.  Apologies are good for your sole.  Make changes in your life so you do not do that again.  Stop justifying what you do is right even though it is wrong by saying the other person is doing it so then I am OK  in what I am doing even if it goes against our Core Values.  Stop it.  I will change my self, my home and my circle of influence.  This is the only way to fix the problem that are tarring apart our world.  It is simple.  Be honest in  your dealings.  It is called Charter!  It starts being honest with your self.

So what dose it mean to Just Be?
It  starts by how you talk to yourself and  how you explain your actions. to yourself.  Self talk and thought is key to your actions.   It is all the above working all at once.  Dynamic and ever changing! What you think about is how you will become.  The precursor to every action is a thought!  Once you under stand this you start to be come very careful about what your think about! It is THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!  Do not let you mouth over fill your ass! As Larry Winget would say.   Be very careful about what you think about.  Feed the aspects of your core values that make you a better person.  Starve the the evil or the bad ones by not spending precious time on the negative.

It is about the Habits.  Make your habits of just Be..... 1 to 30.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

My Tribe

My tribe:
We are health minded physically active people. We pursue excellence in all things but understand there is no such thing as perfection.

 We are visionary dreamers and leaders. We are calm of spirit and nonjudgmental. Giving unselfishly. We understand the value of friendship and family. We seek to better ourselves and make the world a better place. We serve ourselves as well as others. 

We love unconditional and are forgiving.  We back away disengage or avoid all negative energy or what one might say "drama".  

We pursue financial stability. We seek monetary reward only to strengthen our foundations to make a more simple life but yet a high quality of life.   Less dependent on others and government. We use our money to have a high quality of life. Not necessarily focused on material but in lifestyle. Yes, having nice things of quality but few and only what we can use and share with the tribe. No excess.  No waist. We use our money to assist those in need and those who understand the value of our assistance and will pass it on to others generating positive momentum for good in the world.  

We support family and friends. We understand there is a higher power at work. Religion is removed and seen for what it is. Nothing more. Religion is avoided  for its negative aspects but embraced for its good aspects. We Understand religion as a means for man's control over other men. We seek A higher power. God/Tao.  We seek love and peace! We take in all the beauty surrounding us and reflected back.  

When do  indulge,  it is the  very best and highest of quality. We eat healthy.  Our bodies and health are our foundation. We exercise our bodies and minds.  We are consistently learning. We exercise daily. We hike walk bike run  strength building yoga swim or just work in the yard. 

We train our minds through study and reading.  We take time to be quiet to build our inter-spiritual peace.  We seek these things we are full filled no regrets! Pure love, pure joy!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

What I Learned Surfing in Costa Rica

I was so excited to fulfill my life time goal of learning to surf. Ever since I was a young boy living in Hawaii I have wanted to learn to surf. It is now official! I now can surf and I have joined a very elite group of athletes. I have always heard surfers talk in a language different than the rest of us. How surfing has a huge impact in their lives. On some level it is a religion to surfers. This became very clear to me! The surfing life style is a religion. A life style, a way of viewing the word that brings life into perspective. What is really important! This attitude or view has truly changed my life.
While traveling in Costa Rica I quickly became aware of how much we have here in the United States and how much we put importance on things that really are not that important. We have forgotten in this country what life is really about! What is really important! This has led to a country that takes more antidepressants, has a high abuse of narcotic prescriptions and one of the most unhealthy and obese populations in the world. Costa Rica is a beautiful country. Our location was a very under developed and from financial stand very poor. With the average worker making $3 dollars an hour these people do not have much in material things or what we would call comforts of life. With that said, I never met someone there that did not greet me with a smile and a warm welcome. Not once did we meet someone depressed or mean or show a negative attitude toward us. Everyone so warm loving and genuinely happy! We were welcome in like family everywhere we went. Now this could also be a reflection of our attitude as well. We also noted how clean everything was. The public restrooms were spotless. We Americans are pigs by the standards in we encountered.
One of our new friends we met staying at the house with us made the comment how good of friends the five us were. How we helped each other. We were kind to everyone and not in competition with each other. We would help each other and share with each other what we were learning and how to be better surfers. Truly a solid group of genuinely good friends! Brothers from another mother! Never have I smiled so much or laughed so hard! So this caused me to reflect on why this was and what was driving and evolving to be my personal paradigm shift on this trip.
So what did I learn?

1) Happiness comes from within. Not from other people. Not from material things. But deep from within your inner sole! Pure Vida! Practice Aloha! No worries! This is the foundation to a great life.

2) Live life! Love life! Love yourself! Love one another. Hum. Sounds a lot like the teaching of Christ. The One and only commandment that all other commandments hang in the balance! If you do not live by this one and only one commandment you cannot get into to heaven despite living all others perfectly. Just think about it! If you are living by this principal Love One another, is there really any need for any other commandments? You do not hurt those you truly love! You are willing to give everything freely to those you truly love. Being a father the love I have for my children and what I would do or give to my children has not boundaries.

3) Give of yourself freely without expectations of anything in return.

4) Smile and laugh as much as physically possible!

5) Do not judge. It is not my job! Leave it to the higher power.

6) Do not exclude. Be accepting of one another. Practice “Being kind rather than being right”.

7) Listen more talk less.

8) You will never regret time spent with family friends and loved ones.

9) Ben Franklin was right “Beer (wine) is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!” Even the Mormon word of wisdom teaches us this. See for details. Never miss an opportunity to sit down at a table break bread eat a meal share a cold one and a talk story with the one’s you love. There is no better way to learn about each other’s life experience grow relationships and make new friends!

10) Live breath and drink in Life! Stand in Awe in what life has to offer!

11) Keep it simple STUPID!

12) Help your fellow travelers. Protect them when its needed listen with an open mind and loving heart give support to those in need of your support and strength. Be the kind of person/friend you would want others to be for you.

13) There are a lot of dementors out there. People that will suck the life right out of you. People that will take advantage of you. They will do everything in their power to see you hurt or even try to destroy you in all kinds mean and evil ways. Learn to forgive and move on. Learn the lesion they were sent to teach you. Never make that mistake again. Cut them out of your life. Your circle of influence and trust is much smaller but stronger and better without those types of people in your life. Surround yourself with the 1,000 mile friends. Those people who are there for you through thick and thin. No matter what you can count on them to have your back and be there for you. Do not let the negative people in your life dictate how you feel or think about yourself or disrupt your inner peace. Excuse them from your life with love and gratitude for the lesson learned. It is never too late to say “I am sorry” or “I forgive you”.

14) It is never a bad day when you are doing what you love to do! It’s never a bad day to be on surf board!

15) Love with all your heart might and sole! Make passionate love to one you love! Live life in the moment. The here. The now. For it is all you have! You cannot live in the past or future. All you have is right now! Yes set goals and be disciplined. Love yourself enough to pursue that which brings strong physical mental and spiritual health. So live life! Love Life! Saver Life! JUST BE! Be in the moment! Just be!

16) Sometimes you need to wait and be patient. The wave will come. Give it time! Just wait. Be in the moment. Feel the ocean under your board. Then paddle paddle, paddled some more! Count to eight. On the eighth paddle jump up land on the board catch the wave. To get up you first must have momentum. Speed! Then balance! Then focus. Always looking up and forward. Do not look down! Do not look back! Where you are looking (what you are thinking about) is where you are going to go! Then just let go! Feel the power of the wave! It is so easy! In that moment life becomes so genital. It's like an invisible force of nature pushing you through the water! Jump off and the ride is over. The cycle begins all over again. Work rest focus relax ride the natural forces. Repeat. Success! This is how I seek to live! Wait, be patient get quiet gain momentum while always keeping balance! Don't look back always forward! Enjoying every moment every success and every failure, be just be! There on your board of life taking it all in! Be happy. Be humble and be grateful! It truly is the purely simple things in life that makes us the most happy! The pursuit of the simple will make you the happiest and most successful beyond your wildest dreams!

This is what I learned on my surfing trip to Costa Rica!

Aloha and…..
Pura Vida! My friends! PURA VIDA!  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Cabins At Bear River Lodge

On the Utah Wyoming border just 30 miles out side of Evenston Wyoming  on SR150 (the Mirror Lake Highway) sits a quaint but rustic place me and my family have come to love.  It is the Cabins at  Bear River Lodge.  It is owned by a  friend of mine Roger Eggett  and wife Heidi.  I was first introduced  to the property by Roger's brother Rob.  Rob and I go way back.  I have known him since I was 9 years old.  Rob is one of my closest and best of friends.  Rob  and I spent our summers together growing up  at scout camp near the Bear River Lodge.   We would  build the camp from the ground up under the direction of  Roger and Rob's  father Roger Sr.  We were true Boy Scouts back then.  None of the this  organised camp stuff.  We learned to build a fire without any matches and survive in the wilderness over night all by our selves.  No camp director to hold our hands!  It was AWESOME! Nothing  like the camps of today  where the camp staff does everything from cook the meals to merit badge education to  wiping  your nose for you if you need it .  Boy Scout camps now days are the equivalent of Skiing at Deer Valley!  Nope! We showed up and built the camp!  We knew how to tie  knots, swim, raft, fish, use a map, work a  chainsaw/ax and  apply lots of elbow grease to get the job done.   Marshal Lake has now become a place of great memories that I have had the opportunity to share with friends and family alike!

 So last winter when I got Rob's  invitation to attend an all guy's weekend of snowmobiling in this area of my childhood memories  I could not turn it down!  It was an opportunity see old  friends  and make new ones!   Rob has his personal property a few miles away off the beaten path.  It requires access in the winter by foot, snowmobile  or when Rob in charge why not use a snow cat!  

We spend our days sprinting across the snow covered wilderness diving into  bottomless powder! We stop for lunch at the warming huts and push ourselves  to the point of pure fatigue then head back to the lodge for a quick dip in the hot tub.

After we are unfrozen and warm from the hot tub its back to Rob's cabin for a 5 star gourmet meal prepared  cowboy style!  Dutch ovens and cast iron frying pans!
This area of Utah is not without its share of wild life!  On a regular basis you will see moose deer and if lucky
 a bear will cruse on by!
In the winter The Bear River Lodge has a fleet of new snowmobiles for rent.  In the summer they have a fleet of new  4 wheeled bikes and side by side 4x4's for rent that will allow 2 to 4 passengers.  They do rent helmets.
The trails are easy to access and well marked. Do not for get to get a map just in case.  I love the ridge trail and the wolverine trail.  They both connect to Lily lake and over look the East Fork of the Bear.  If you want an pure  rush hit Dead Mans Trail.  It will connect  the ridge trail to the wolverine trail!

Lily Lake
Other activities at the cabins are fishing and hiking. On the property there are two fishing ponds to try your luck at.   They also have gathering area with a large fire pit and stage for entertainment.

We love to hike near Christmas Meadows and the Provo Falls area.

There are also Yurts for rent from the Forest Service if you are feeling the need to get out in the wilderness and stay in comfort! 
The cabins are very nice and well stocked with the things you will need to have a comfortable stay.  You will need to bring all you own food and any special spices you like to cook with.   Just an FYI Roger is now building a diner on the property that should be done the first week of June 2014. The  store on the property is well stocked with soda pop candy and beer.You will also want to bring any special gear you may need.   

This is a great place for families to bond and as Roger puts it "A great place to start building family memories!".  You can learn more about The Cabins at Bear River Lodge by checking out their web site:The Cabins at Bear River Lodge. Roger does post deals on his Facebook page.  You may want to like the Cabins at The Bear River lodge on Facebook  to stay alert of any great deal he may post for his followers.

Me and my boys had a  blast this past weekend!   I could not have asked for better place to spend our Memorial Day Weekend 2014!  Please check this place out it is Awesome!  Tell them Dr John sent you!

Right Here! Right Now!

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